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Raising the glass for 15 years more

In June, SCADA International could celebrate their 15 years anniversary. A lot has happened over the years, but the visionary idea and innovative mindset that started it all are still at the center of SCADA International.

The passion for creating something new and innovative has been a big part of SCADA International from the very beginning. For Thomas Bagger, CEO at SCADA International, it was the interest in building something with his own hands that inspired him to start SCADA International. Together with Jan Lindholt, Technical Director & Chief SCADA Specialist, they started SCADA International in June 2006:

“I have always had a growing desire to create something, and I still have,” says Thomas.

During the first six months, SCADA International grew from 2 to 18 people. Today, SCADA International has 100+ employees with offices in eight countries across the world. It has been a challenging but fun journey to develop a company from 2 to 100 people. However, for Thomas Bagger, the success has not only come from hard work and dedication but from being surrounded by inspiring and gifted people:

“I like to find solutions to a challenge, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be my idea. I have so many great and creative people around me that inspire me,” says Thomas.

Being innovative makes you a better competitor

At the beginning of their journey, Thomas Bagger and Jan Lindholt didn’t think about their competitors:

“When we started SCADA International, we knew our competitors because we had worked for them, and we knew the market pretty well,” says Thomas and continues:

“I don’t believe that you should run after your competitors and do what they do. Instead, examine what the market needs. With original ideas comes better solutions, I think.”

Thomas also believes that when you start a company, your energy is best spent on developing innovative solutions:

“It’s much more satisfying to create innovative solutions than comparing yourself to your competitors because maybe the marketplace requires something else.”

It is this approach that still characterizes SCADA International today. Since 2006, more and more solutions and services have been added to the product portfolio. At the same time, the company continues to follow the market closely to develop future-proofed and intelligent solutions that are needed in the industry.

Frank Riemer, Sales Director DACH* at SCADA International joined the company in 2016. For him, it is important to be part of a company that follows the trends in the industry:

“The renewable energy industry has developed over the past years, so there is a need for intelligent and solid solutions now and in the future. It’s exciting to be part of this journey,” says Frank.

The mission is more optimization

At SCADA International, optimization is not a buzzword, but an approach deeply rooted in the way people work.

Optimization is something Thomas brings about in everything he touches and works with. He’s always looking for ways to improve, optimize, and create new initiatives that enhance the work procedures:

“I’m constantly looking for ways to optimize something. It’s not about working harder, but smarter.”

Also, in the development of new solutions, optimization is something everyone at SCADA International focuses on. The solutions are developed to improve and optimize power production as well as optimize the time spent on data acquisition and analysis. With intelligent and smart solutions, optimizing the performance of different assets becomes easier and more effective.

Having the right people is important for the future

Looking back at the journey, Thomas is amazed by all the people who are now a part of SCADA International:

“I’m certain that we have the right people to keep developing in the right direction. Our team of SCADA specialists has been a vital part of our journey so far and will be just as important for the evolving industry we look into, where specialist knowledge can be of high value,” says Thomas and finishes:

“For now, I’m happy to have crossed the 15 years mark and be able to raise the glass for 15 years more.”

 *DACH: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

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