News & Insights

Newsletter December 2021

From all of us to all of you

Exciting new insights from our experts

December is full of presents and joy. In this special Christmas issue, we give you some key updates from the progressing renewable energy sector as well as a flashback to many of the cheerful events from the year that has passed.

Don't miss the sunlight

Solar panel with sunset on the back (circled)
Solar PV has been a hot topic in 2021, and it looks like the interest continues to grow. However, the market of solar PV is slightly different from, e.g., the wind industry, and there are some vital aspects to be aware of.

Our experts on the subject have looked into the evolving future and summarize in this article why SCADA systems are essential when talking about solar PV parks.

Let's go offshore

circle graphic of wind turbines with water in the bottom
Offshore wind farms are efficient in generating renewable energy, but they are also complex and expensive to manage. The need for new and improved technologies is increasing.

One way to reduce operational costs is to provide technology that limits the need for site visits. In this article, we have dived into how smart, digital solutions can pave the way for better offshore investments.

5 reasons support for your SCADA system should be a top priority

The maintenance of SCADA systems is often an overlooked part of park operations. However, it can be a costly affair for the entire operation to rely on unsupported or outdated SCADA systems.

What's new?

Wind turbines with solar panels in a snowy field (circle shape)
SCADA International wins hybrid project in Finland with VSB Group
VSB Group is one of the leading full-service providers in the field of renewable energies.

For their first industrial-scale hybrid project, they have chosen SCADA International to deliver the OneView
® Energy Control Unit for control and regulation of a mixed park including wind turbines and solar PV modules.
SCADA international website screenshot with spanish translation
¡Hola! Our website is now in Spanish
We keep adding new additions to our website so we can meet our customers where they are.

That is why we are now introducing our Spanish website. Feel free to check out ‘Nuestras soluciones’ or ‘Sus retos.’

Trust and experience paved the way for a new collaboration

Two men in security vests at a wind farm talking together
Controlling wind parks with several turbine types from different manufacturers can be challenging. Being a public utility is a huge responsibility, and the demand for vendors understanding the needs and managing this is critical.  The main target was that this project was repowering on the same side instead of replacing old turbines.
As project contract responsible, Håvard Groth needed a solution where the requirements were particularly precise. The need for regulation of the whole park containing turbines from Vestas and Enercon and grid code compliance, according to Norwegian regulations, resulted in a tender process looking for the optimal solution for a top-level controller. One of the invited tenders was SCADA International, who had the answer, that could handle these requirements; the OneView® Energy Control Unit.  
Håvard Groth explains the tender evaluation:

“The tender documentation we received from SCADA International had an almost extreme level of detail in the document. SCADA International provided all the requested information. And when evaluating the tenders, there were very few questions for SCI. That implemented a way of trust from the beginning that this is what we were looking for.”

For Håvard Groth and his project owners, there was no doubt, mainly because what SCADA International suggested was a standard product, with all the benefits this has:

“It is a standardized solution, where we could remove or add functions, and this is a benefit. We knew exactly what we got, and the fact that we knew that the solution had been used and implemented many times before was essential for a project like this.”

Dealing with multiple manufactures of wind turbines and controlling all of the turbines in one controller could be complicated, but Håvard Groth was impressed by the process:

“It was clear that SCADA International had done it many times before. Everything was standardized, efficient workshops were conducted over Skype, and everything needed was taken care of by SCADA International’s project managers. The knowledge SCADA International has of the different OEMs was a clear benefit because everything was running smoothly.”

For Håvard Groth, the industry knowledge SCADA International has is the key to working together:
“It was apparent that SCADA International had done this before; they have an understanding of the customers and turbine and how they work. SCADA International has a transparent process with forms and contact details; everything is streamlined. There is a clear path of what is needed and how to get it, and that makes it easy for the customer. The role of being in the middle and handling everything for the customer was something SCADA International was used to. The trust was there from the beginning.”

Throwback to great memories from 2021

This image shows different areas of the SCADA newsletter from december
  1. At the pandemic’s peak, we all went online. In February, we held a handful of webinars to share our latest knowledge and products with key players from the industry!

  2. When the calendar hit June, it was a time for celebrations for SCADA International as we had now been in business for 15 years.

  3. This fall has been full of exhibitions, and it has been fantastic to be out and about again and meet our customers face-to-face.

Do you want to join our team?

Merry Christmas and happy new year on behalf of the SCADA International team!

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