News & Insights

External newsletter February 2022

A year of new beginnings

The first months of a year are always full of new beginnings and optimism. In this newsletter, you can read more about the themes of the future and how the solutions from SCADA International might just be what is needed in the years to come. Check out the newsletter and decide for yourself.

Thomas Bagger CEO SCADA International

CEO comment: Heading for a renewable future

2022 looks like a year of many opportunities ‒ and not only when we look at our own organization, but in the strategies and policies formed by governments in pioneering countries. In Germany, they aim to install 10 GW of new onshore wind projects per year by 2030 and double their electrolyzer target to 10 GW in 2030.

In the United States, they have committed themselves to deploying 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030, and Denmark aims to reduce 70% of CO2 emissions by 2030, where Power-to-X is to play a vital part in achieving that goal.

Besides this, we can see that many other countries follow in the same footsteps.

The ships are heading towards a more renewable and sustainable future, and, naturally, we want to be on board.

That is why we at SCADA International keep optimizing and future-proofing our monitoring and control solutions, so they fit industry needs. We are closely following the renewable energy sector development, and we respond to the development by looking into new business areas ‒ more on that in the following months.

We believe in the future, and we are also convinced that our contribution can help fuel a better and brighter future.

Thomas Bagger

SCADA International

electricity tower with question mark

Grid stability in the age of renewables: What, why, and how?

What is the deal about grid stability? Why are renewables suddenly troublemakers when we talk about balancing the power? And what are the means to solve the problem?
In an environment where more and more renewables are connected to the grid, it is crucial to be aware of the challenges in securing a stable power grid.  
In this article, we explain why the problems occur and what the industry is doing to fix the problem.
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20 years graphic ECU

20 OneView® Energy Control Units installed in 1 year

By the end of 2021, SCADA International could look at the calendar and see 20 OneView® Energy Control Unit projects executed. A vast increase compared to earlier years. It shows that the demand for flexible control solutions is on the rise, says Frank Riemer, Sales Director D-A-CH at SCADA International.
Read the full interview with Frank Riemer

What is SCADA?

It is in our name, but do you actually know what SCADA stands for? How does it work? What is SCADA used for? And why is it used in the renewable sector? Get your A to Z on SCADA by clicking on the button below.
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SCADA systems icon

New future-proofed features in OneView® SCADA

Our OneView® SCADA developers work hard and dedicated to improve our SCADA system. Recently, they launched a new release with many value-adding features. Here are just some of the new views and options now available in OneView® SCADA.

green meter screen
Green meters for wind turbines

On each turbine, you can now access the green meter view. In this view, you can see how the green meter is configured and detailed data of each green meter. Live and historical data are also available for the green meters, so you can keep track of the power generated.

turbine details screen
New turbine detail screen

We have added support for showing up to 20 more tags, so you can get a better overview of the available values. The screen will automatically adapt on behalf of the supported tags that are available in the mapping set.

heatmaps wind turbines
Heat map for wind turbines

Heat maps are great ways to get a quick overview as the map uses colors to illustrate abnormalities or production failures. Now you can see a heat map of the data from your turbines, e.g., the performance, operation efficiency and run time.

status icon screen
Status icon on units in unit list

By request from our customers, we have made it possible to see the status for all units for a park. A small dot will show on units in the unit list, where the color of the dot indicates the status of this particular unit. If the status is OK, no dot will show. When you hover over the unit it will show the status details. This feature is especially handy when a drill down for a unit is opened.

alarms on screen of the software system
Tile views on alarm screen

Tile views on alarm is a new way of getting a quick overview of all the units that are not running as they should. The screen will adapt the content for the units on behalf of how many units it is showing. This means that it will aim to show as many units as possible, without you having to scroll to see the whole screen.

Meet us in San Diego in March

We are attending the O&M and Safety Conference in San Diego from March 8-10, 2022.

San Diego conference banner with information
Mikkel icon picture

Customer Success Manager

I started this December, and I must say, that all the colleagues at SCADA International have given me a warm welcome and acknowledges that I am going through a steep learning curve. There has been a well-structured introduction period followed by some concrete tasks, where I have received the help and support that I needed, so I never felt alone. I already feel that they have a huge amount of faith in me but at the same time big expectations of me.

Mikkel Hjortlund Sørensen

SCADA International

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