Experienced SCADA vendor with flexible solutions

At SCADA International, we design, build and manufacture future-proofed hardware for renewable energy projects. Our tailor-made solutions are developed and configured to match your needs and industry-specific challenges. Our unique expertise in SCADA systems enables us to build our hardware ourselves, regardless of size and complexity. We have an in-house production, which allows us to deliver customized products and projects.

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In-house production and
remote configuration

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Engineering expertise across
the full value chain

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Full-scope project management
and implementation

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One-stop-shop for SCADA hardware, software, and consulting for renewables

SCADA systems can be standardized, but usually, they are very complex and hard to streamline due to the many variants and customer requirements that need to be considered

SCADA engineering and hardware tailor-made for you

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Tested and documented solutions to comply with national standards

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Capacity for full-scope production and SCADA management

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Customized SCADA hardware and SCADA design

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On-site services, installation, and commissioning


projects executed
in countries worldwide

Why customers choose us:


See what SCADA International can do for you

Feel free to reach out to us with your inquiry. We kindly ask you to describe your challenge or project as specific
as possible for us to better understand your needs and offer you a solution that is tailormade for you.

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