3 reasons we cannot rely solely on renewable energy to succeed in the green energy transition
In this blog post, we explore three reasons why we cannot quite yet rely solely on renewable energy to achieve the green energy transition.
Why is OT data becoming increasingly relevant in the renewable industry?
Driving efficiency and optimizing operations all begin with acquiring reliable, real-time raw data from renewable plants.  In this article, we delve into the rising value of OT data and explore the emerging challenges we are facing in the renewable industry.
3 ways battery storage can revolutionize the energy market
We cover 3 ways battery storage can contribute to a greener energy market with better utilization of renewables – and what reservations you should be aware of within battery energy storage systems.
Garantizar la estabilidad de la red con un suministro de energÃa cada vez mayor de las energÃas renovables
Con más fuentes de energÃa renovable, equilibrar la red y responder a una demanda inmediata de electricidad se convierte en un reto aún mayor.
Cómo han evolucionado los sistemas SCADA desde la regulación de parques eólicos hasta los complejos entornos Power to X
SCADA International is working at the forefront of the renewable energy sector. Together with Jan Lindholt, Thomas Bagger founded SCADA International in 2006.