Power Engineering

Full-scope process from plant design to grid connection

With more and larger renewable power plants being connected to the power grid, renewables are becoming crucial to our total energy supply and impacting the grid’s operation. As the industry has started to become more complex, grid operators and TSOs have introduced grid modeling.

At SCADA International we specialize in providing comprehensive and tailored solutions across various aspects of power system engineering. Our expertise spans from detailed grid connection studies, to the full-scope design of power plants incorporating diverse generation and storage technologies.

Our competencies

Grid connection studies

Modelling of power plants according to applicable grid codes. RMS, EMT and harmonic modelling in DigSilent PowerFactory, PSCAD and PSSE.

Compliance reports according to RfG and DCC regulations and dialogue with TSO/DSO. Constructive iterations for plant CAPEX/OPEX optimization.

Power plant design

Conceptual and detailed full-scope design of power plants in any mix of generators (e.g. wind, solar, waves etc.) and consumers/storage (batteries, PtX, biogas, electrolyzers, etc.).

Sizing, selection and specification of equipment including substations, transformers, switchgear, export cables, protection relays etc.

Complex plant control

Advanced control schemes for complex plants employing multiple generators, consumers and storage. Developed through a techno-financial model taking into account CAPEX/OPEX variables of each unit to optimize the combined plant.

Allows optimization in design phase through optimal sizing and in operation phase through optimal control.

EMC compliant design and validation

Expert understanding of electromagnetic compatibility – both practical phenomenon and relevant standards for design and testing.

Vast experience with EMC compliant design from small embedded hardware to large components such as wind turbines. Radiation and immunity testing and documentation.

Electrical panel design

Detailed design of low voltage electrical panels based on high-level or detailed requirements according to applicable standards. Calculations, component selection, diagrams (SEE Electrical), prototype builds etc.

Full scale power converter (MW) design and test. Power electronics system design.

High voltage system design

System design of HV (60-400 kV) stations including switchgear, transformers, cables, RTUs, SCADA etc.

Preparation of RFQ material towards suppliers. FAT/SAT test and commissioning of equipment.

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