Noticias y opiniones

Newsletter April 2022

The renewable energy sector is developing at an accelerating speed. But how can you keep up with all the trends, expansions, and policies? You can start by checking out this newsletter, where we cover themes ranging from solar PV to the fit for 55 goals. Enjoy!

¿Qué hay de nuevo?

Thomas Bagger CEO SCADA International

CEO comment: New partnerships for a future full of growth

2022 parece un año de muchas oportunidades, y no solo cuando miramos a nuestra propia organización, sino en las estrategias y políticas formadas por los gobiernos de los países pioneros. En Alemania, pretenden instalar 10 GW de nuevos proyectos eólicos terrestres al año para 2030 y duplicar su objetivo de electrolineras a 10 GW en 2030.

En Estados Unidos se han comprometido a desplegar 30 GW de energía eólica marina de aquí a 2030, y Dinamarca pretende reducir el 70% de las emisiones de CO2 de aquí a 2030, donde Power-to-X va a desempeñar un papel fundamental en la consecución de ese objetivo.

Además, podemos ver que muchos otros países siguen los mismos pasos.

Los barcos se dirigen hacia un futuro más renovable y sostenible y, naturalmente, queremos estar a bordo.

Por eso, en SCADA International seguimos optimizando y adaptando nuestras soluciones de supervisión y control a las necesidades del sector. Seguimos de cerca la evolución del sector de las energías renovables y respondemos a ella con la búsqueda de nuevas áreas de negocio, de las que hablaremos en los próximos meses.

Creemos en el futuro, y también estamos convencidos de que nuestra contribución puede ayudar a alimentar un futuro mejor y más brillante.

Thomas Bagger, CEO

SCADA International

Wind turbines in the ocean with cloudy sky (circle format)

SCADA International partners with Magnesium Capital

We are happy to announce our new partnership agreement with Magnesium Capital LLP. The London-based investor pursues investments in companies with tech-led solutions. This companies have strong growth prospects and contribute to the green energy transition. So, for SCADA International, the new partnership is a perfect strategic fit.

SCADA International flags waving in the wind with a blue sky (circle format)

Energi Danmark selects SCADA International for new ETRM-system

The Danish energy trading company, Energi Danmark, has entered a new agreement with SCADA International. They will supply their future-proofed ETRM-system. The goal is to optimize the planning of power trading and contribute to better conditions for power traders as the energy transition accelerates.

Wind turbines with pink sunset (circle format)

PNE selects SCADA International for a new mixed wind park project

SCADA International’s certified OneView® Energy Control Unit has been selected for a new PNE project in Ausbach, Hesse, Germany. Similarly, the system will control and regulate the power output of 9 WTGs from various manufacturers. This is the 5th collaboration with PNE in only 6 years.

this is an image with solar panels with blue tint in a circle shape

Discover the Solar PV Data Tag-list

We are proud to present our Data Tag-list ― now also for solar PV. The list comprises 299 tag names and data points. This adds to the +2600 tag names of our Global Wind Data Tag-List. The new Solar PV Data Tag-List has been established to support a cooperative data exchange environment within the solar PV industry. Based on the IEC 61850-7-4 and IEC 61850-7-420 standards, it normalizes the data by transforming various data into one standard data set.

A comment on EU's Fit For 55 plans

The EU aims in the fit for 55 plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030

The EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. To reach this target, the EU has initiated the Fit for 55 proposals. This will ensure that current and future laws and legislations contribute to a greener future.

However, the big question is how the EU will do that and what will the future actually look like. This comes with increasing energy supply from renewables.

Our expert on the subject, Torben Christensen, Automation (SCADA) and Energy Specialist, believes that the future looks bright ― but with one bump on the way: 

“I see many opportunities in the Fit for 55 plans. However, it is a little bit of an all-road-leads-to-Rome scenario. The EU has proposed these targets, but the way to reach those targets is mostly up to EU member states to determine. And that can be a big bump on the way: If we go in many different directions at the same time, we end up going nowhere.”

We are at your service

Have you met our excellent service team? They are ready for your call ― all day, every day.

In our Service Level Agreement for our OneView® system, we offer customers access to a prioritized hotline phone number 24/7, every day of the year. That means you can contact us at any time if you are experiencing difficulties with our software or need support with your assets.

But that is not all. You also get:

icon with wrench and shield

Prioritized on-site work
according to your needs

icon with alarm sounding

Immediate notifications on
Alarms and Events as you prefer

icon with two tickets

Access to a ticket system so you
can track all service issues
for continual feedback

icon with transparent blue circle and three outlined dots

Click here to learn much more...


We are busy attending fairs this spring. Meet us in San Antonio, Texas, in May, or Copenhagen in June!

calendar for events 2022

Empecé este mes de diciembre, y debo decir que todos los compañeros de SCADA International me han dado una cálida bienvenida y reconocen que estoy pasando por una curva de aprendizaje muy pronunciada. Ha habido un periodo de introducción bien estructurado, seguido de algunas tareas concretas, en las que he recibido la ayuda y el apoyo que necesitaba, por lo que nunca me he sentido sola. Ya siento que tienen una gran fe en mí, pero al mismo tiempo grandes expectativas sobre mí.

Pawel Pozlewicz, Project Manager

SCADA International

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