Política de privacidad

Welcome to SCADA International privacy policy, where we will present you our plan of action, when it comes to protecting your privacy and personal data (hereafter referred to as Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

The purpose of this policy is to describe the way that we collect, store, use, and protect information that can be associated with you and could be used to identify you.

Applicable for

  1. All visitors to our corporate website
  2. All customer employees that we engage with during daily operation
  3. All supplier employees that we engage with during daily operation
  4. All candidates applying for a job position within SCADA International
  5. All other business partners, or individuals representing legal or other authority, that we engage with during daily operation

Data controller

SCADA International is a data controller and we understand the importance of protecting the rights of data subjects.  Any PII received or collected during daily operation is for the sole use of SCADA International, and will not be transferred or sold to any third-party, except as required by law, legislation or governmental audit.

When referencing SCADA International this encompasses:

  • SCADA Holding and the companies within the group
  • Majority investor; Magnesium Capital LLP


We are a global company with a corporate IT setup that enables us to work from almost anywhere, through secure and protected data connections. Our primary sites are located in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Spain, United States, United Kingdom and Australia.

Your rights

If you want to contact us regarding our processing of your PII, please reach out by emailing to this address: IMS@scada-international.com or via phone number +45 9641 9200.

We collect & process

We collect PII concerning you and process it in accordance with current laws and legislation. The most common ways are when:

  • You provided it for the purposes, that you indicated, with your consent
  • We collected it with a business justifiable reason
  • We collected it by searching public available information sites


When processing (incl. collecting) your personal information, we disclose it, and combine it with other personal information for various purposes, including:

  • Products or services purposes – such as collecting orders or requests for and providing our products or services
  • Marketing purposes – such as pursuing lawful related marketing activities
  • Business purposes – such as recruitment, accounting, customer and supplier relation, business planning and operation, strategy planning, or other proposed and actual transactions
  • Legal purposes – such as handling claims, complying with law, legislation and other requirements, or pursuing good governance.


We only collect, process and store the PII necessary to fulfill our purpose. What type of PII that is required to collect and store in connection with our business practice may be determined by law. The nature and the extent of the personal data we process can be determined by the need to comply with a contract or any other legal obligation.


We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent your data from being deleted, released, lost or impaired accidentally or illegally.

Similarly, technical and organizational measures have been taken to avoid your data from becoming known to unauthorized person, or in any way being processed against laws and legislations.


All applications and relevant appendices are stored in our HR system.

Access to CV’s and application content is limited to HR and Hiring managers, with the purpose of qualifying candidates and answering applications. CV’s and appendices are deleted immediately after completion of the hiring process for each individual position. CV’s and appendices can be stored up to 6 month hereafter if consent has been given from the candidate.

A “Recruitment privacy notice” is provided to candidates as part of each recruitment process to ensure that the candidates are sufficiently informed about special steps in the hiring process, like profiling, where special processing can occur.


When you consent to receive newsletters about SCADA International products, case studies and other news, request information, apply for a job position or for other purposes, you do so voluntarily.

For newsletters you can unsubscribe at any time by activating the “Unsubscribe” link in any of the emails.

You can withdraw your consent by contacting IMS@scada-international.com at any time.

Data transport

We use third-party IT suppliers to store and process data (outsourced processes). They only store and process data on our behalf and may not transport, sell or use any data at/to their will and benefit.

In relevant cases, data is given to e.g. banks, transport companies and debt collectors.

We will only pass on data such as name, email, etc. for other purposes if you (or your employer) has provided us with a consent.

Data quality

Our services depends on correct and up to date PII. Therefore, we ask you to inform us about relevant changes to your PII.

Please contact your normal SCADA International representative, use the contact form on our website or write to IMS@scada-international.com.

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See what SCADA International can do for you

Feel free to reach out to us with your inquiry. We kindly ask you to describe your challenge or project as specific
as possible for us to better understand your needs and offer you a solution that is tailormade for you.